Baudry Dutour
France – Loire Valley
Organic Farming in the val de Loire
The history of BAUDRY-DUTOUR is that of an encounter which dates back to 1993 when Christophe BAUDRY, owner of DOMAINE DE LA PERRIERE in CRAVANT LES COTEAUX, winegrower from father to son for long generations, welcomed Jean-Martin DUTOUR, recently graduated, which arrives in Chinon to take the direction of DOMAINE DU RONCEE. Very quickly the two winegrowers became friends, pooling their tools and their talents.
From their complementarity, the company BAUDRY-DUTOUR was born in 2003.
Conservation viticulture is based on agronomy and documented scientific knowledge. It is not against other systems, it tries to be “sustainable” that is to say, beyond quality production, to protect its environment (soil, air, water – living), its winegrowers, and of course the consumers.
She is primarily interested in the life of the soil and its vertical structure. Aurélien SCHLIENGER , cultural manager of the BAUDRY-DUTOUR properties, re-examined the usual practices, stopped plowing or systematic weeding to set up plant covers with varied root and aerial structures, a delicate balance to be found between cooperation and competition, the founding principle of permaculture Living soil can autonomously and sustainably support quality production, capture carbon and store it. A virtuous circle is then established between the soil, the vine and the atmosphere.
All efforts tend to limit inputs, organic or not, whether in the vineyard or in the cellar. Philibert VALENTE , cellar master, works in particular on the drastic reduction of sulfur doses.

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